The Eurythmy Diploma

The training concludes with a diploma recognised by the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. This diploma opens up the possibility of further training in pedagogy (eurythmy teacher at a Waldorf school), therapy (eurythmy therapist) or art (eurythmy stage performer). It is also the basis for working in Waldorf kindergartens without further training.

Paths after the training

Integrated in the training is a basic pedagogical study, part of which takes place at the Waldorf Teacher Seminary in Berlin, as well as hospitations and internships. The training focuses on mastering the basic elements of artistic eurythmy. These are regarded as fundamental for any further work in pedagogy or therapy.

In order to work as an eurythmy teacher or theraputic eurythmist, following the four-year basic training (at all euythmy schools) an additional one-year in-depth study or a part-time (two-year) study (Bachelor's/Master's) must be completed. Here are some possibilities for further eurythmie education:


  • Part-time Bachelor's in Leiden (Netherlands).
  • Part-time Master's degree at the Eurythmeum (Stuttgart).
  • Part-time Master's degree at the Alanus University (Alfter, near Bonn).

Eurythmy Therapy (Curative Eurythmy):

  • One-year full-time program (Master's) at Alanus University (Alfter, near Bonn).
  • Two-year part-time program (Master's) at Alanus University.
  • One-year full-time program (Diploma) in Unterlengenhardt.

Artistic Eurythmy:

There are various further training possibilities, which through request the Eurythmy School Berlin can provide current information about.

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