Speech and music
are the most differentiated, and most developed means of expression that we as human beings have at our disposal. Eurythmy arises from the attempt to make visible, through physical gestures and movements in space, the fleeting audible elements within speech and music. Eurythmy is dance, made visible language and music.
The Eurythmy School in Berlin
The Eurythmy School in Berlin is recognised as eligible for funding under BAföG (Ausbildungsfinanzierung für deutsche Auszubildende). The school is recognized by the Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft, Dornach/Switzerland, and is a member of the association "Eurythmieschulen im Verbund".
The unique thing about the Eurythmy School Berlin is that it is located in a green environment on the outskirts of the city. The school building itself is surrounded by a large garden. Various lakes are within walking distance, as is the Grunewald forest, which stretches from Wannsee all the way to the Havel River. Nevertheless, the city centre - with its endless range of cultural events, museums, theatres and concert halls - can be easily and quickly reached by public transport.
There are four eurythmy rooms in the building. The library is used as a classroom and conference room. On the lower level there is a common room and a kitchen where students can cook meals. There is also a lounge where students can rest during the breaks.
Once a year a newsletter is published in German which reports about special events of the past year as well as upcoming events. You can download the last (German) newsletter here as a PDF file.
Schulbrief (german only)
Schulbrief (german only) 1.2 MiBOur next events

What is Eurythmy?
About Eurythmy and it's history
About us
Teachers- Stagegroup- Sponsoring- Speechformation

All information about the training
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