Extending artistic work for young eurythmists

The Fifth Year - an artistic year

In the coming year of training 2023/24, you will have the opportunity during a fifth year of steady to extend your artistic eurythmy at the Schule für Eurythmische Art und Kunst Berlin.


Topics of the Fifth Year

What we offer:

  • Working on cultural eras
  • English eurythmy
  • Working on „Wochensprüche“ by Rudolf Steiner
  • Specific musical forms (preludes, Tiaoait etc.)
  • Upon request: participation in several workshops, such as poetics, educational eurythmy, plasticise, tonal eurythmy with Dorothea Mier
  • Upon request: choir singing, speech formation, music theory
  • Participation at our eurythmy stage group of Berlin, performances at every year presentations, Eurythmy Festival in Witten, perhaps performances at several places (small weekend tours)
  • Support on solistic works upon consultation
  • You will receive a student card!


Since the courses are partially incorporated in the curriculum, it will be possible to choose your own courses individually, depending on demand and/or possibilities.

To be able to work and perform on stage with us is required to provide a reliable and consistant work and to participate in rehearsals and performances.

The training language is German, with the exception of English Eurythmy.

What we ask for:

  • Successfully completed eurythmy studies
  • Admission interview
  • German language on level B1, especially listening comprehension
  • Presentation of one solo in tone eurythmy or speech eurythmy
  • Enrollment fee of 25,- €
  • Tuition fee of 200,- € per month (depends of individual compiled modules)

Please contact us by a simple mail or call us at +49 30 8026378.

You can send us a message using the contact form below

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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